24. Welklin JF, Sonnenberg BR, Branch CL, Pitera AM, Heinen VK, Benedict LM, Whitenack LE, Kozlovsky DY, Pravosudov, V. V. (2025). No evidence of reproductive senescence within the natural lifespan in resident mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 79(1), 1-12. Link


23. Welklin JF, Sonnenberg BR, Branch CL, Heinen VK, Pitera AM, Benedict LM, Whitenack LE, Bridge ES, Pravosudov VV. Spatial cognitive ability is associated with longevity in food-caching chickadees. Science, 385, 1111-1115 (2024). Link

22. Whitenack LE, Sonnenberg BR, Branch CL, Pitera AM, Welklin JF, Heinen VK, Benedict LM, Pravosudov VV. (2024). Relative breeding timing and reproductive success of a resident montane bird species. Royal Society Open Science, 11(7), 240769. Link

21. Semenov GA, Sonnenberg BR, Branch CL, Heinen VK, Welklin JF, Padula SR, Patel AM, Bridge ES, Pravosudov VV, Taylor SA. (2024). Genes and gene networks underlying spatial cognition in food-caching chickadees. Current Biology, 34(9), 1930-1939. Link

20. Pitera AM, Heinen VK, Welklin JF, Branch CL, Sonnenberg BR, Benedict LM, Bridge ES, Pravosudov VV. (2024). Spatiotemporal variation in cognitive phenotype, social network position, and distribution of social associations in a food-caching bird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 78(4), 1-15. Link


19. Branch CL, Welklin JF, Sonnenberg BR, Benedict LM, Heinen VK, Pitera AM, Bridge ES, Pravosudov VV. 2023. What's in a mate? Social pairing decisions and spatial cognitive ability in food-caching mountain chickadees. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 290: 20231073. Link

18. Benedict LM, Heinen VK, Welklin JF, Sonnenberg BR, Whitenack LE, Bridge ES, Pravosudov VV. 2023. Food-caching mountain chickadees can learn abstract rules to solve a complex spatial-temporal pattern. Current Biology, 33: 3136-3144. Link

17. Heinen VK, Pitera AM, Sonnenberg BR, Branch CL, Benedict LM, Welklin JF, Whitenack LE, Bridge ES, Pravosudov VV. 2023. Food-caching chickadees with specialized spatial cognition do not use scrounging as a stable strategy when learning a spatial task. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290: 20230900. Link

16. Boersma J, Thrasher DJ, Welklin JF, Baldassarre DT, Feeney WE, Webster MS. 2023. Plural breeding among unrelated females and other insights on complex social structure in the cooperatively breeding Variegated Fairywren. Emu-Austral Ornithology, 123: 232-243. Link

15. Whitenack LE, Welklin JF, Branch CL, Sonnenberg BR, Pitera AM, Kozlovsky DY, Benedict LM, Heinen VK, Pravosudov VV. 2023. Complex relationships between climate and reproduction in a resident montane bird. Royal Society Open Science, 10: 230554. Link

14. Welklin JF, Branch CL, Pitera AM, Sonnenberg BR, Benedict LM, Heinen VK, Kozlovsky DY, Pravosudov, VV. 2023. Females pair with males larger than themselves in a socially monogamous songbird. Animal Behaviour, 199: 35-49. Link

13. Hendrix TC, Fernandez-Duque F, Toner S, Hitt LG, Thady RG, Massa M, Hagler SJ, Armfield M, Clarke N, Honscheid , Khalil S, Hawkins CE, Lantz SM, Welklin JF, Swaddle JP, Webster MS, Karubian J. 2023. Behavioural differences between ornamented and unornamented male Red-backed Fairywrens (Malurus melanocephalus) in the nonbreeding season. Emu-Austral Ornithology, 123: 176-181. Link

12. Khalil S, Enbody ED, Frankl-Vilches C, Welklin JF, Koch RE, Toomey MB, Sin SYW, Edwards SV, Ghar M, Schwabl H, Webster MS, Karubian, J. 2023. Testosterone coordinates gene expression across different tissues to produce carotenoid-based red ornamentation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 40, msad056. Link

11. Johnson AE, Welklin JF, Hoppe IR, Shizuka D. 2023. Ecogeography of group size suggests differences in drivers of sociality among cooperatively breeding fairywrens. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290: 20222397. Link

10. Sonnenberg BR*, Welklin JF*, Branch CL, Pitera AM, Benedict LM, Heinen VK, Kozlovsky DY, Bridge ES, Pravosudov VV. 2023. Long-term winter food supplementation shows no significant impact on reproductive performance in Mountain Chickadees in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Ornithology, 140, ukac051. Link. *Equal contributions of authors

9. Welklin JF, Lantz SM, Khalil S, Moody NM, Karubian J, Webster MS. 2023. Photoperiod and rainfall are associated with seasonal shifts in social structure in a songbird. Behavioral Ecology, 34: 136-149. Link

8. Boersma J, McQueen A, Peters A, Welklin JF, Khalil S, Quispe R, Goymann W, Schwabl H. 2023. Unexpected long-term retention of subcutaneous beeswax implants and additional notes on dose and composition from four testosterone implant studies. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 330: 114124. Link


7. Boersma J, Jones JA, Enbody ED, Welklin JF, Ketaloya S, Nason D, Karubian J, Schwabl H. 2022. Male white-shouldered fairywrens (Malurus alboscapulatus) elevate androgens greater when courting females than during territorial challenges. Hormones and Behavior, 142: 105158. Link

6. Rowe M, Van Oort A, Brouwer L, Lifjeld JT, Webster MS, Welklin, JF, Baldassarre DT. 2022. Sperm numbers as a paternity guard in a wild bird. Cells, 11: 231. Link

5. Welklin JF, Johnson AE, Black A, Nye G, Sramek P, Michalek B, Ross M, Newport A, Walker D, Welburn T, Busch H, Licence G, Roman G, Roman K. 2022. New records of hybridisation in Australian Fairy-wrens' Malurus' spp. Australian Field Ornithology, 39: 63-75. Link


4. Welklin JF, Lantz SM, Khalil S, Moody NM, Karubian J, Webster MS. (2021). Social and abiotic factors differentially affect plumage ornamentation of young and old males in an Australian songbird. Animal Behaviour182, 173-188. Link


3. Khalil S, Welklin JF, McGraw KJ, Boersma J, Schwabl H, Webster MS, Karubian J. 2020. Testosterone regulates CYP2J19 -linked carotenoid signal expression in male red-backed fairywrens (Malurus melanocephalus). Proc R Soc B Biol Sci. 287 (1935):20201687. Link


2. Reichard DG, Kimmitt AA, Welklin JF, Ketterson ED. 2017. Condition- and context-dependent factors relate to the courtship behavior of paired and unpaired males in a socially monogamous songbird. The AUK, 134, 575-586. Link


1. Reichard DG and Welklin JF. 2015.  On the existence and potential functions of low-amplitude vocalizations in North American birds. The AUK, 132, 156-166. Link